SkyNet CloudFlare Hosting is an all-in-one solution as it has all features you would need to run your website in a Fast Secure Environment. Once your website joins the CloudFlare community, web traffic to your website will be sent along their intelligent global network. There they will optimize to speed up the content delivery to your customers, resulting less page load time and better performance.
CloudFlare is a content delivery network (CDN) offered freely that in addition to adding a security layer to your hosting service, also combines and works smoothly with it. Be it security, speed, or accessibility, CloudFlare is a worthy go-to solution.
Our CloudFlare enabled web hosting services are accessible to all, be it an individual running websites, blogs or simply a company website. You can enjoy all the advantages we offer. For more information, kindly watch the video below.
Web performance is not just about moving static files closer to visitors, Cloudflare users can choose any combination of these web content optimization features that take performance to the next level.
Other neat thing about this tool and why you gotta have it is the way it handle threats, abusive bots and crawlers. With this service up and running, you can save both bandwidth space and server resources. Your desire to get a spam and attacks less website with improved performance,can now be achieved with CloudFlare.
With SkyNet being a CloudFlare partner, all you need is your website and a domain and you can enable Cloud with just a click of a button from our Control Panel. Within few minutes you are all good to go with CloudFlare enabled on your website.